The Book: Vocal Yoga

“Mindful voice use is a yoga unto itself.”
— H. Lyle
Lyle reveals many of the secrets voice teachers know, but don’t share with their students. All of the mysteries of the voice are unveiled!
Vocal Yoga combines the exclusive techniques of Heather Lyle with Yoga, Pranayama, The Bel Canto School of Singing, Fitzmaurice Voicework, Alexander Technique, Feldenkrais, Roy Hart Theatre, Chi Gong, Classical Speech Training, Voice Science and more to unblock the breath and free the voice.
This book contains a wealth of information and exercises for breathing, singing and speech, never before combined in one book! 100 exercises for the voice! Whether you are a singer, actor, yogi, or public speaker, this book will give you a better understanding of your voice, and how to become one with it.
Lyle’s book was recently mentioned in the National Association of Teachers of Singing’s academic journal in an article in the May/June 2017 issue, Volume 73, No. 5, pp. 511–518: Vocal Yoga: Applying Yoga Principles in Voice Therapy by Adam Lloyd, Bari Hoffman-Ruddy, Erin Silverman, and Jeffrey L. Lehman. “Heather Lyle incorporates voice pedagogy, yoga postures and principles, directed breathing exercises, and voice science in her work, Vocal Yoga: The Joy of Breathing, Singing, and Sounding. Lyle’s work focuses on respiratory exercises for speech and singing, and also provides examples of speech and singing exercises to achieve a balanced voice production. She incorporates aspects of other popular body alignment techniques and programs in her work including Feldenkrais, Alexander technique, and Tai Chi, among others.”
Excellent!!! Every Singer needs this. Every Yoga instructor needs this. Jake Blue, Amazon review
I have been a singer my whole life and a yoga teacher for 18 years. This book is the best resource I’ve found for how to simply and dynamically train the voice and sing with a whole body awareness. Some of the exercises are recognizable from yoga and pranayama but are modified, explained and described in a way that gives a singer greatest access to their full body singing potential. I am thrilled to have this book and have recommended it to many people. A must if you love yoga or singing! Terra Green Gold / Loyola Marymount University Yoga Teacher Certification Program Director
Heather’s techniques are derived from a vast array of influences, ranging from chanting to opera to theatrical speech training. This broad palate of methods allows each learner to come at voice training in a way that works for them and that meets their needs. The usefulness of these techniques is not limited to singers who want to have a more beautiful voice. They are also directly applicable to people who simply want a stronger and more resonant speaking voice. Dr. Gail Greendale, UCLA Faculty
Vocal Yoga is an excellent resource for anyone looking to gain greater control over their voice. This book contains many vocal and bodily exercises to release tension and sing without straining. Drawing from a variety of vocal techniques such as those found in Pranayama, Chi gong, and Classical Speech Training, “Vocal Yoga” is an innovative and comprehensive method for maximum vocal control. As a student of the author and a musician, I have found this method to be effective, intuitive and fun. The book is filled with clear and informative visuals and the exercises apply to singers and speakers alike. As an educator of music, I have used some of these techniques with kids and found them to be very successful. The kids enjoyed the exercises and I did too. I highly recommend this book. Alan Weintraub Columbia University